We provide best solutions for appraisal, salary increment, promotion, evaluation and succession planning for every employee who has been hired/deployed.

Our PMS experts are trained in Hay Evaluation and MBTI tools. And our experts are licensed to perform Thomas Profiling and “NeaLife” psychometric tools which will enhance the assessment methods close to perfection.

We will not just implement any PMS tools, but a step-by-step methodology starting with Job Description, KPI Fixing, Job analysis and Evaluation.


Why do organizations need to focus on Competencies?

In today’s dynamic business environment, the world around us is changing at a rapid pace. Some companies succeed whilst others fail because they are unable to keep up with these global changes.  Most successful organizations believe that the difference between survival and extinction lies in the competencies and capabilities of their people.

There is now a greater need for employees at all levels to be fully competent and motivated. Global competition, changing technology and raised customer expectations are demanding more of an organisation and its people.  It is clear that for a company to be successful, they will need to ensure that they have in place a clear strategy to develop the competencies of their workforce, all levels.

Employees, by focusing on the development of skills, knowledge and attitudes (i.e. competencies) can make a better contribution to the organisation.  By doing this not only we become more valuable, but also make ourselves more marketable.

With this in mind HR CONSORTIUM set out to develop the competency framework for the organizations.  We always ensure that we create customized tools for every organisation with unique technology, psychometric tools etc. Performance management is the crux of business growth. Performance management is no longer an annual affair. It has become a year-round, continuous process where managers converse with employees, exchange feedback and award recognition to contributions of employees.

Our experts are well trained in the tools and systems with psychometric certifications.